Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 11, 2015

bo sung

Snoring unfortunately seems ridiculous, but it was sleep apnea obstructive (OSA located) is the result, so it is not a joke. CUA condition s <a href=>bệnh mạch vành có dễ chữa trị</a>  like hypertension and diabetes may increase the risk of other health problems. It can make you more dangerous on the roa d. However, you can reduce, or even level up your sleep apnea treatment, some problems but when.

If you face health issues osa seven, you may have are:

1. Hypertension. If you already have it, sleep apnea can make it worse. Often at night to go into overdrive to hormone language system, can cause WHEN awake, which increases blood pressure CUA. You can not breathe when you sleep, reduce oxygen levels in your blood, which unfortunately increases the problem.

Although treatment, is another matter. To get help for sleep apnea Some people have high blood pressure can reduce the blood pressure Chung back on drugs.

2. heart disease. Osa in people with stroke are more likely.

Low oxygen tension or give reasons often. LE wake atrial fibrillation and stroke - Heart rhythm problems with CUA - conditions related to the end.

Sleep apnea blood flow in the arteries of the <a href=>benh vien chuyen khoa tim mach tphcm</a>   brain and your body how difficult for your brain to control the amount of oxygen Which This print interruptions.

3. Type 2 Diabetes Sleep apnea is common in people with this condition - add up to 80% of osa.

Disorders Obesity increases the risk of a person. The study of sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes have not shown a clear link between, though, blindly use insulin use which can keep your body does not get enough leading to diabetes.

4. Weight. Add weight increase chances of sleep apnea and the condition of the Used difficult to thin.

If you are overweight, your neck fat at night which can block breathing. On the flip side, sleep apnea you want carbs and sweets Which makes your body release more hormones are ghrelin. And you're tired all the time, so you, as you effectively convert food into energy that can be known, can lead to weight Which.

The good news? Treatment of sleep apnea and other activities for your exercise with more energy, you can feel better. Significant weight loss, and you can treat osa.

5. adult asthma. Science hasnt been an associate to osa, but unfortunately found sleep apnea to get treatment at the They asthma.

6. Acid Reflux. No evidence of irritation Not That sleep apnea causes of this kind is better, but many people say Which is a problem. The symptoms of sleep apnea treatment, sleep seemed to improve the drunken doctor.

7. car accident. You feel drunk, fell asleep while driving Words can increase the risk. People with sleep apnea are more likely to be normal sleepers accident is five times more carbon.
Treatment of sleep apnea

All health problems associated with this condition may sound scary, but the treatment of the disorder a lot of different ways.

Your doctor short for continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP Call a sewing machine extension. Machine, connected by a hose to a mask, you breathe better at night and you can get the necessary rest. It may be used to, but those who use CPAP <a href=>bệnh viện chuyên khoa tim mạch tphcm</a>    for sleep Karachi They feel better and healthier.

Other treatments, too, neurosurgeons stimulated scatterings Airways open and maintain lines are như. Ma Talk with your doctor about the options that are most likely to help you feel better and to avoid other health problems.

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